Did Gaddafi Have Cosmetic Plastic Surgery?
Before his death in 2011, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi had been Libya’s leader from 1977 to August 2011. He was ousted out of office after the Libyan people revolted against him, terming him a ‘dictator’.
He was later killed in a Libyan desert as he fled towards the border. During his term in office, Gaddafi was a wealthy man and was known to a large extent to get what he wanted when he wanted it.
This also includes younger looks, which were the main reason for his alleged celebrity plastic surgery. But is the alleged Gaddafi plastic surgery true

Colonel Gaddafi after plastic surgery? (image hosted by telegraph.co.uk)

Did Colonel Gaddafi Have Plastic Surgery?

In his latter years and certainly before his death, there was very minimal talk about the possibility of Gaddafi having plastic surgery.
This is mainly because he looked old and had wrinkles that would have been considered right for his age. Many people, however, feared that Gaddafi would use plastic surgery to his advantage in hiding from the forces hunting him down.
After all, he had more than enough resources from his country’s oil dealings that would make it possible to hire a top plastic surgeon to change his looks. However, this was not to be. Gaddafi was tracked down and killed before any of that could happen. The only alleged plastic surgery Gaddafi had had is during his term.
There had been speculation in the 1990s and early 2000s that Gaddafi had had plastic surgery. He seemed a lot younger than his age might have suggested. Some pictures were published to compare Gaddafi’s looks before and after the alleged plastic surgery but the leader never commented on the issue.
It was not until a Brazilian plastic surgeon Dr Liacyr Ribeiro spoke out that the speculation was confirmed. The Brazilian doctor claimed that he had performed cosmetic surgery on Gaddafi’s face back in the 1994.
The doctor claimed that Gaddafi consulted him for a highly secretive plastic surgery procedure to be carried out in Tripoli. The doctor later met up with Gaddafi and described him to be a ‘soft spoken and polite leader‘.
Gaddafi allegedly requested him to take out some fat from his abdomen and inject it in his face. He further added that the leader requested him to make him look younger since because he did not want people viewing him as an old leader.
The doctor advised him to opt for a face lift but Gaddafi declined this claiming it would be too noticeable. He did not want any cosmetic procedures that would be immediately noticed by his people.
The surgery is said to have taken four hours. During this period, Gaddafi was fully conscious because he had requested the doctor to use a local anaesthetic. At one point during the surgery Gaddafi even said he was hungry and burgers were brought for him and the surgical team.
When the surgery was overthe doctor stayed in Tripoli for about 10 days as Gaddafi healed. When the process was over, Gaddafi looked at least ten years younger.

Gaddafi Before & After Surgery

Gaddafi had the plastic surgery when he was 53 years of age. After he had recovered from the surgery, he had the face of a 40 year old man and was supposedly pleased with the results.
Gaddafi before and after pictures (image hosted by economist.com) 
However, after around five years, his wrinkles began to reappear just like his surgeon had warned . It was during this period that plastic surgery gone wrong pictures of Gaddafi were published. However, it is not a case a plastic surgery gone bad. The effects could have been reversed if he had had the procedure repeated.
There are many other famous people who have had plastic surgeries. Two of the most controversial ones, for example, are Janice Dickinson’s and the Mariah Carey’s plastic surgery. They are examples of celebrities who get people speculating, just the same way people have been wondering has Gaddafi had plastic surgery?

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